Tuesday 12 November 2013

Happy "Thanksgivukkah"

   This truly is a once in a lifetime experience. American Thanksgiving is coming up on the 28th. It also happens to be the first night of the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah.
   To help celebrate, one bakery in New York has come up with a fusion food for "Thanksgivukkah". A donut. Actually, 3 donuts to be exact, and are available at Zuckers Bakery.
   But not just any plain old glazed or maple dip:
   That one is a spiced pumpkin donut, filled with turkey, turkey gravy and cranberry sauce, which is then deep-fried.
   The other 2 are spiced pumpkin with cranberry sauce and a sweet potato donut with marshmallow creme.
   So, if you're in New York in the next couple of weeks, check it out. and you'd better make it fast too. The next Thanksgiving-Hanukkah double celebration won't be around for nearly 77,800 years!


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