Monday 4 November 2013

I Hate Being Sick

   And I have been since last Wednesday. Whatever bug bit me, bit real hard this time. I don't get sick often, but when I do it's usually a lulu. This is a lulu. And it's affecting the one thing that any radio announcer does not want affected: My voice.
   I've got a hellacious sore throat, my chest is congested, my sinuses are stuffed, and I'm coughing so much and so hard, it's making my abdominal muscles hurt. I've also tried quite a few "remedies" to try and alleviate the symptoms, but (not surprisingly) nothing seems to work. Not even good old fashioned chicken soup.
   I've had gallons of O.J, and nearly enough Tylenol to make me rattle when I walk.
   I guess it's just one of the bugs I'll just have to weather. But I hate being sick :(


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