Tuesday 26 November 2013

Do You Really Want Those Out There?

   Had an interesting chat with GX94's Tonya Cherry this morning about "bathroom pictures". You know what I'm talking about folks. Those naked pictures your parents probably took of you in the tub, and the ones you've probably taken of your kids. With strategically placed wash-cloths. Tonya's issue with this, and I agree with her, is posting them on-line to facebook etc.
   And it's not the obvious problem with paedophiles, or child stalkers either. Once those pictures have been posted, you no longer own them. They're out there forever, and anyone can use them for anything.
   We all love our kids, and like to have other people look at their pictures, but in this case a little common sense should have been applied.
   We have "bathroom pictures" of our kids, but they are and will remain private property. And not posted on the 'net.


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