Wednesday 6 November 2013


   The Canadian Senate has suspended 3 members for allegedly making improper expense claims. Pamela Wallin, Mike Duffy and Patrick Brazeau will get to keep their benefits, like health, dental and life insurance. The suspension is for the current parliamentary session, which could last for another 2 years.
   Each was voted on separately, with Wallin's suspension passing 52 to 27. There were 12 abstentions. For Senator Duffy, the vote was 52-28 with 11 abstentions, and for Brazeau it was 50-29 with 13 abstentions.
   Leaving the Chamber, Wallin said it was a sad day for democracy. Brazeau had no comment, and Duffy wasn't in the Chamber. A statement from the Prime Ministers office says the Senate "did the right thing", adding the 3 should not be on the public payroll while the case is open.
   While they will retain benefits, all 3 will lose 2 years of salary, which starts at a base of 132 thousand dollars a year.



   This morning, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall said he will introduce a government motion in the legislature today to call for the abolition of the Senate. It simply reads "That this Assembly supports the abolition of the Senate of Canada".Wall says the motion is not a constitutional ammendment, but a statement on the provincial position.

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