Thursday 28 November 2013

What A Strange Morning

   It's bizarre to say the least for an old dog like me to keep broadcasting even when the power to the transmitter is out.
   Such was the case this morning, after SaskPower had to shut down our transmitter to do some work. In days gone by, it would've meant just one thing. No on air. No music, commercials or news. At least until the power comes back on. And yet, I still had to do news at the top of the hours. The reason is right in front of both of us. We, like just about every other station in Canada and the U.S stream live on-line, meaning just because our 'traditional' system was down, the web wasn't.
   But it was still very strange to sit in that booth, read the news, fire audio clips, introduce sports etc with no air feed. All I got through the headphones was a different station in Manitoba. Faint, to be sure, but there none the less.
   GX94 is a 50 thousand watt station daytime, 10 thousand at night. So to be silenced, even if just for a few hours, was truly bizarre. So, it was great to get back to normal.


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