Friday 29 November 2013

A Very Rosy Outlook

   Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall was the keynote speaker at Thursday's SaskParty regional dinner held in Yorkton. The Premier told the crowd at the Gallagher Centre the southeast part of the province, including Yorkton, is well positioned moving forward, particularly with a strong resource and agricultural economy.
   Wall did inject a cautious note in his address, warning people in the province should never get complacent about the state of the economy, adding there will be ups and downs. But he also says the economy remains sustainable at the current level of spending and income. In fact, he feels confident the economy can survive a bit of a wild ride in the resource sector, where potash revenue was well below forecast. That was offset by the record crop in the province, along with increased petroleum revenue.
   The next provincial budget is due in March.


The Countdown To Christmas Has Started

   It's Black Friday, the day when retailers, particularly in the U.S, kick off the rush to Christmas. And including today, there are 26 shopping days left!
   Why call it "Black Friday"? Apparently, it started being called that in Philadelphia sometime before 1960, and the term was used to describe heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic the day after American Thanksgiving. It wasn't until 1975 the term was used outside Philly.
   Another version is today's the day retailers are put in the black by high sales volumes. Some reports say big box stores can boost their year to date profit starting January 1st from 14 to 19 billion dollars. Any way you cut it, that's a chunk of change!
   Canadian retailers are also jumping on the Black Friday bandwagon, as retailers here look to rake in profits.
   But the Holiday Spirit doesn't seem to be out in as full force as bargain hunters. Just this morning there are reports of fights in some stores, including one in California, where management shut the doors after 5 thousand people flocked in all at once.
   In Chicago, police shot the driver of a car Thanksgiving evening after an officer was dragged after investigating a shoplifting complaint.
   Will I take part in Black Friday? Not a snowballs hope in hell. I'll wait for the madness to subside, especially since as mentioned, there are 26 shopping days left to Christmas.


Thursday 28 November 2013

What A Strange Morning

   It's bizarre to say the least for an old dog like me to keep broadcasting even when the power to the transmitter is out.
   Such was the case this morning, after SaskPower had to shut down our transmitter to do some work. In days gone by, it would've meant just one thing. No on air. No music, commercials or news. At least until the power comes back on. And yet, I still had to do news at the top of the hours. The reason is right in front of both of us. We, like just about every other station in Canada and the U.S stream live on-line, meaning just because our 'traditional' system was down, the web wasn't.
   But it was still very strange to sit in that booth, read the news, fire audio clips, introduce sports etc with no air feed. All I got through the headphones was a different station in Manitoba. Faint, to be sure, but there none the less.
   GX94 is a 50 thousand watt station daytime, 10 thousand at night. So to be silenced, even if just for a few hours, was truly bizarre. So, it was great to get back to normal.


One Day, 2 Celebrations

   It's Thursday, November 28th. And it's also the last Thursday in November, meaning U.S Thanksgiving is today. It's a day of travel for some, parades for others, and food for most people in the States:
   And as hard as it may seem to believe, that bird, the magnificent Turkey, could well have been America's bird. Not the Bald Eagle. Benjamin Franklin lobbied hard to have the turkey made the official emblem of the U.S.
   And as many Americans sit down to a meal of the above bird, with all the trimmings, including pumpkin pie, it should be noted that this is how I believe said pie is made:
   Today also marks the start of the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah:
   Interestingly, I've heard this is the first time both holidays have coincided. Ever. And it won't happen again for another 77 thousand years. Give or take a century or 3.
   So, to my American viewers, Happy Thanksgiving. And any Jewish viewers חנוכה מבורכת ומאושרת.



Wednesday 27 November 2013

"Black Friday" Is Coming

   It's the day American, and now several Canadian, retailers put some big sales numbers up. It also marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. It's also a day that has, at least in the U.S, seen in the past shoppers get trampled by other shoppers in the mad rush for bargains once stores open.
   So far, Canadians have proven immune to this holiday rush, but that's changing, and changing fast. With more and more American retailers entering Canada (Target being the latest), the competition for your holiday shopping dollars gets even more intense.
   Retailers will not be getting a chunk of my change this week however. I'm a procrastinator, and won't start my shopping until some time in December. And this year, there are fewer of my dollars available as well.
   But for those who like the whole seasonal shopping spectacular, "shop on".


This Is Why The CFL Is The Best.

   That's an ad the Saskatchewan Roughriders took out in the Hamilton Spectator after Suday's Grey Cup win. Because the print is so small, here it is again:
"Let's shake.
After the game, Coach Chamblin and Coach Austin shook hands. Today, our fans want to shake your hands.
We share a kinship with Tiger-Cat fans.
We understand your passion.
And you understand ours.
We get that you wear it every game.
And because of that, we understand, more than anyone, the pain of loss and the joy of victory.
Hamilton and Saskatchewan are considered the best fanbases in the league. That's a big part of what made Grey Cup week in Saskatchewan so amazing. And it's what made Sunday's game all the more challenging and rewarding.
We tip our hats to each and every one of you. And we look forward to next spring, when we will start another chapter in our rich histories.
Jim Hopson, President and CEO
Roger Brandvolt, Chair
   2 classy teams, and 2 very classy gentlemen on the Riders board!


Tuesday 26 November 2013

In The World Of Entertainment

   He's been a staple character of the hit animated TV show "Family Guy" since it first aired. But now Brian Griffiths has been killed off. Brian was run over by a car Sunday night.
   Fans are outraged by the removal of the character, who will, apparently, be replaced by another dog named "Vinnie" in the not too distant future.
   In news almost as shocking, it's been revealed that Rogers Communications and the NHL have inked a 12 year, 5.2 billion dollar deal for broadcast and multi-media rights.
   CBC will retain Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts, with Rogers getting all national rights tio games, including the Stanley Cup Playoffs. TSN, which holds the rights to the end of the season, was shut out of the deal.


Do You Really Want Those Out There?

   Had an interesting chat with GX94's Tonya Cherry this morning about "bathroom pictures". You know what I'm talking about folks. Those naked pictures your parents probably took of you in the tub, and the ones you've probably taken of your kids. With strategically placed wash-cloths. Tonya's issue with this, and I agree with her, is posting them on-line to facebook etc.
   And it's not the obvious problem with paedophiles, or child stalkers either. Once those pictures have been posted, you no longer own them. They're out there forever, and anyone can use them for anything.
   We all love our kids, and like to have other people look at their pictures, but in this case a little common sense should have been applied.
   We have "bathroom pictures" of our kids, but they are and will remain private property. And not posted on the 'net.


Monday 25 November 2013

The Lights Are On

   It is time for the annual ritual a lot of people go through at this time of year. Putting up the Christmas lights. For quite a few of us, it's simply a string or 2 around windows, and maybe decorating the outdoor tree. But for others, it borders on an obsession.
   And so it is with the Richards family of Canberra, Australia. They've reclaimed the Guinness World Record title for having the most Christmas lights on a residential property. They have an astonishing 502,165 lights in all. They first won the title in 2001, but lost it last year to a family in New York.
   And how do they plan on paying the power bill for them all? Simple. They don't. It seems a local power company is donating the 23 hundred dollars it'll cost to have those lights twinkle for the next month.
   I just wonder how long it took them to put it up. And how long it'll take to remove them.


We Are The Champions!

   And just like the Western final a week ago, the 101st Grey Cup game at Mosaic stadium between the Saskatchewan Roughriders and Hamilton Tiger Cats was basically over after the 1st half. The Riders lead 31-6, and rolled to a 45-23 win, their 4th in franchise history. And I couldn't be happier!
   Not only is it great to see the Riders take the cup for the 4th time, but it's even better since they did it on home field! And the final Grey Cup to ever be played at Mosaic stadium, as well. And it seems the fans, while jubilant, partied more or less responsibly. We get releases from Regina police, and during the entire week, they only issued one. And that had just 3 occurrences on it, none major.
   So, now I hope the Cup makes it's way to Yorkton in the not too distant future. I need an updated picture:
   And to be able to say I've held the cup more times than the Riders. The picture above was #4 for me, taken a few years back in Regina.
   Anyway, huge Congratulations to the 2013 Grey Cup Champion Saskatchewan Roughriders!!


Friday 22 November 2013

You Have To Love Grey Cup Week

   Even Environment Canada is getting into the spirit and act. Here's a special weather statement they issued for Regina for game day:

Grey Cup Sunday weather outlook update.

The weather has held regina in its icy grip for much of grey cup week. This morning the temperatures sit at minus 27 celsius with a wind chill of minus 37. With cold conditions like this in rider nation, its been quick to freeze the paws of Tiger Cats and Lions and turn watermelons into rocks. Though sunday will be mild by comparison, it will not trick the Alouette to burst out in spring song....

The Stampede of milder air for grey cup sunday is still looking promising with clear skies and no sign of precipitation. there may however be a bit of a wind chill factor. Mosiac stadium is known to funnel the winds and with game time temperatures around minus 3 or 4 celsius, wind chill values will be near minus 10.

For those who Argo'ing to the game sunday, appropriate dress would be advised. Don that Bomber jacket so as not to turn True Blue, or pack that Eskimo parka to keep toasty. The day time forecast high for Sunday is minus 2 celsius. With sunset near kickoff, the temperature will likely fall slowly as the game progresses. By the 4th quarter, temperatures will be closer to minus 6 celsius and the wind chill closer to minus 13.


Perception Is Everything

   And it will be no different Sunday in Regina when the Saskatchewan Roughriders host the Hamilton Tiger Cats in the 101st Grey Cup game at Mosaic Stadium.
   I'm sure this is how the Ti-Cats and their many fans going to the game or watching at home see their team:
   But Rider fans and the team will see their opponent a little differently, myself included:
   It's been interesting to view all the hoop-la around this game from a distance as well. There are already parking problems in Regina due to the influx of fans. But not in the downtown core. At the airport, where officials say they're having problems finding spaces for the private and business aircraft flying people in for the contest.
   Plus all the events taking part in the Queen City as well, leading up to Sunday at 5:00.
   And while there are a lot of people going to the game, the vast majority of fans will be watching on TV from the warmth and comfort of their living room or den. Unfortunately, I will not be one of them. I do have a TV in my place, but I don't have cable. So, I'm going to be listening to the broadcast on GX 94.
   Go Riders!!


Movember Update

   It's been 3 weeks since I shaved off the beard. And it's starting to come in nicely. I don't think it'll be back in full in a week, but it's certainly better than me clean shaven.
   And I must apologise if I seem a little grumpy in these pictures. I'm not. It's just that I'm not a huge fan of getting photographed.
   Anyway, there's just 1 week to go. Or "grow", I should say.


Has It Really Been 50 Years?

   A warning that some of the images and descriptions in this post are extremely graphic.
   It was 50 years ago to the day, Friday November 22, 1963, the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was assassinated as he rode in an open topped car through downtown Dallas, Texas. In 6 short seconds, shots rang out in Dealy Plaza at 12:30 p.m local time, and Kennedy was confirmed dead about half an hour later at Parkland Hospital.
   He was the first President elected in the 20th century to have been born in the same century, in 1917. He was also the first, and so far only, Roman Catholic elected to the post.
   I remember that day well. I was a 7 year old boy in grade 2 at Brentwood Elementary School in Calgary, and had just got home for lunch that noon hour. I remember it was snowing that day, but not very hard. The assassination's immediate impact on me was the news breaking into my favourite kiddie program at the time, Colonel Lunar. Mom came running into the living room, and sat there stunned as the events unfolded.
   According to the Warren Commission report, Kennedy was gunned down by this man, who they said acted alone:
   Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, spent time with the Marines and even moved to Russia, where he met and married his wife, Marina.

   The most famous, or infamous, film of the killing was taken by a dressmaker, Abraham Zapruder, and documents the last few seconds of Kennedy's life.
   This may well be the last image of the President alive:

   Frame 312 of the 8mm home movie he captured. In the very next frame, 313, Kennedy is hit in the head:
   That was just the beginning of what turned out to be a hectic weekend. Not only was Kennedy killed, but his alleged murderer, Oswald, was also gunned down as he was being transfered between jails:
   Jack Ruby was arrested and convicted in Oswald's killing, which happened on live TV. Ruby died in jail of lung cancer in 1967.

   Flash forward 30 years to August 1993 in Sudbury, Ontario. I had the opportunity to not only attend, but have media accreditation to a symposium on the assassination. One of the speakers was Bev Oliver, who was standing opposite from Zapruder, and also filmed the killing. But she was approached by people claiming to be law enforcement who took her camera and film.
   But even so, she described in grisly detail what she saw. She said at the moment of impact, the back of Kennedy's head literally exploded, spraying blood and brain tissue from the back of his skull, which is an important point. The Warren commission claimed Kennedy was shot from behind, not the front. Oliver's testimony would refute that.
   I also had the opportunity to ask 2 questions of Oswald's widow, Marina Porter, but for the life of me I cannot remember what I asked.
   Now, 50 years later, a lot of questions remain unanswered. Did Oswald act alone? Did he even fire any shots that day? What direction did those shots come from? An analysis of Kennedy's brain would solve that quickly, but his brain was removed from the National Archives, and has not been found. The only other way to prove the trajectory would be exhume Kennedy's body for examination. But that's not going to happen either.
   Quite a bit of information has been released, but a lot more remains classified and will remain that way for at least 25 years.
   Was there a conspiracy? Very likely there was, as a report done in 1978 on the assassination suggested there was more than one shooter.
   Will the case ever be solved? That's the question I can't answer, but if it is, it won't be in my lifetime.
   And as hard as it is to believe, it did happen 50 years ago today.


Thursday 21 November 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

   It certainly is for this time of year in the Yorkton area. The mercury's been stuck at -24 pretty much all morning, and the warmest it'll get today is around -12. Which, interestingly, is nearly our normal low for this time of year. Usually, our high is around -5. But it is November in Saskatchewan, and anything can and does happen.
   At least we're not (so far) getting much for snow. A friend of mine in Edmonton was saying they've already had 42 cm so far this month, with another 20 possible. I'll take the cold any day.
   And it won't be that cold too much longer, either. The forecast calls for a warming trend this weekend, with the high Sunday-1. Which is very good news indeed. Not only for my weekly commute to Regina and back, but for Sunday's 101st Grey Cup at Mosaic Stadium, since Regina's high is also forecast at -1.
   Of course, it'll be a bit colder than that at kick-off, and a lot colder at the final gun.
   Go Riders!


The Buzz Gets Louder

   The party has started in Regina and Saskatchewan for this Sunday's Grey Cup, and the cold we've been getting is playing a role in the festivities. Grey Cup 101 Chairman Neil Donnolly says the bitter cold may force officials to cancel some activities.
   But the week is spilling out of the Queen City as well. Hotel rooms in Moose Jaw are sold out, and the Band City also saw the Riders practise indoors, while the Ti-Cats opted to work out at Mosaic in weather with windchills of -30.
   The Cup itself was on display at the Wascana Rehabilitation Centre for veterans and other patients to see.
   Rural Saskatchewan is celebrating this week's Grey Cup festivities. Moosomin's parks and rec director, Mike Schwean, says his community had a western final party last weekend. Moosomin was a runner up in the Richardson Pioneer Rider Nation Community Celebration, winning 25 thousand dollars for sport facilities. Davidson also won 25 thousand dollars while Dalmeney was the grand prize winner of 50 thousand dollars.
   The Holy Grail of Canadian Football will be played for Sunday, and I'm hoping for a repeat of the 2007 game:
   Won, of course, by the Riders:
   But for now, the party's on. And if you're there taking part in the fun, please be careful and don't overdo it. Especially not the special "chicken soup" Danny Ismond and I have been talking about.


Wednesday 20 November 2013

Would You?

   That's a 17 storey high water slide under construction in Kansas City, and it's sparked quite a bit of chat on our GX94 Facebook page. Morning host Danny Ismond and I both agree there is very little chance that either of us would take the plunge down that.
   And quite a few listeners also say there's no chance in hell they'd slide down that either.
   For me, it's simply the height of this thing. I have a problem with very high places, other than airplanes, and this ranks right up there on the cringe scale.
   About the only way you'd get me up there is pay me. 50 million. And if you want me to actually slide down it, another 100 million. Which isn't likely to happen.
   Better still, I'll just avoid it altogether.


The Buzz Has Started

   That pretty much sums up the feeling in Rider Nation, with the 101st Grey Cup game just days away now in Regina at Mosaic stadium. The Riders, as you already know, host Hamilton in the CFL Fall Classic, and there's an interesting twist to the game. Not only is it the first time the Riders and Ti-Cats have met in the final since 1989 (which the Riders won 43-40), but it also sees the return of Kent Austin to Riderville for a championship.
   Austin won the Cup in 1989 against the team he now coaches. He also won the cup as head coach of the Riders in 2007. And, apparently, fans in Regina have given him a warm welcome. But then, kick-off isn't until 5:00 Sunday. By which time I'm sure the feeling may change a bit.
   Should the Riders prevail (as I hope they will), I'm also hoping the Cup goes on a tour of the province, and stops in Yorkton. Because I've held the cup more times than the Riders have, with this picture a few years ago the most recent:
   The first time was way back in 1971 when the Stampeders won it for the 2nd time. I won't bore you with the story. The 2nd was in 2004 (at least I think it was) when the Cup was at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. The 3rd was after the 2007 win, and the last was about 2 years ago.
   I need an updated picture, so GO RIDERS!!! and win the Cup Sunday.


Tuesday 19 November 2013

Albatross. Albatross!

   I haven't been this happy since I found out the Led Zeppelin O2 concert was coming out on DVD. The 5 surviving members of Monty Python are re-uniting:
   Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam and John Cleese are re-uniting for one stage show some time in the future. The 6th Python member, Graham Chapman, died in 1989. The last time the troupe performed was back in 1998.
   I've been a Python fan since vanilla, and remember watching the show back in the day. I think it came to Canada in 1970. Maybe '71, and I think I've seen just about all of them.
   In addition to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, my favourite skits include "Dead Parrot" "Cheese Shop" and the "Australian Philosophers".
   I just hope they'll put out a DVD. And not wait 5 years to do it.


What's The Buzz?

(photo from Woodenshark)
   It looks like a wristwatch, or a bracelet. But it's so much more than those. It is, in fact, the latest in personal communication devices. The "Tap Tap" bracelet lets two people privately communicate with each other without having to dial a phone number or send a text.
   What I've seen on this suggests simply tapping the device sends a vibration to another bracelet, thus "talking" with the other person. And apparently, people can come up with their own special code to communicate. One tap could mean I miss you, several in a row might mean "check your phone". There's no word if we'll have to go back to Morse Code:

      There's also no word on how you could have an argument with these things. Does it come with a dial to ramp up the intensity of the vibration to zap the other person if you get mad? That truly would be a slap on the wrist! And what signal are you sending the other person if you're accidentally mindlessly tapping on them?
   If you're interested, these things cost about $135 Canadian. And yes, you do need an app for your blue-tooth enabled Android phone to run it.
   Right now, I'm going to stay with my land-line and cell phones. If someone needs to talk or text, that's good enough for me.


Oxford's Word Of The Year

   Britain's Oxford University Press has named "selfie", a picture taken of one's self on a smartphone, to be the "word of the year" for 2013.
   Selfie beat out other nominees like "Bitcoin" and "Binge-watch" for the title. Bitcoin's I've blogged about in the past, and I must confess I've never been one to binge-watch anything. Probably because most of the shows people binge-watch I'm simply not interested in. That plus the fact I can't sit in one position very long, not to mention hours at a time.
   As for "selfies"..don't look for any from me. I'm not a big fan of having my picture taken, and frankly I'm looking forward to the end of Movember, so I can quit documenting my beard growth. I much prefer being on the other side of the camera.
   There's a saying in the broadcasting industry that suits me to a tee. A voice for T.V, but a face for Radio.


Monday 18 November 2013

Will You Cut The Cord?

   It seems more and more people are doing just that. Terminating their cable TV subscriptions in favour of the internet and service providers like Netflix. In my family, both my kids have cut their service, but my wife and I haven't yet. And likely won't.
   While it's true I spend quite a bit of my spare time on the computer, playing on-line games and watching stuff on You-Tube, my wife still watches some traditional cable TV shows. But that being said, she also says (quite often) that there's nothing worth watching on, and usually fires up Netflix, or heads to her computer.
   As Bruce Springsteen said "57 channels and nothing on". Repeated questions about our need to continue cable service are met with "but we need cable so I can watch my shows. And for local news".
   And while we likely will go over our package and cut a few specialty channels we never ever watch, the cord to our place will not be cut. At least not yet.


One Win Away

   And the countdown clock has started for the 101st Grey Cup, in which the Riders will take on the Hamilton Tiger Cats at Mosaic. And in Regina, the party's already started with people spilling out onto the Green Mile after the 35-13 butt-kicking the Green and White handed the Stampeders in Calgary.
   I only caught the first half of the game on GX94 during my weekly drive back to Yorkton, but what a half of football it was! Turnovers cost the Stamps, and double "D" and the Rider crew capitalised.
   So, now it's Hamilton's turn for a spanking after they beat the Argo's 36-24 in the east final, and Regina's going to go nuts! I kinda hate to say it, but I will be "escaping" the Queen City next Sunday after my weekly commute, and will miss the festivities afterwards. Which Riders win might not be a bad thing. It'll be "party central" in Regina, and will be even if the Cats win.
   I am, of course, pulling for the Riders and hope they put together on Grey Cup Sunday the same game they did yesterday in Calgary. It'd be real nice to see them win at home, in the last Grey Cup game ever played at Mosaic. Kick-off is at 5:00 Saskatchewan time.
   Interestingly, the last time these 2 teams met in the Grey Cup was 1989. A game the Riders won 43-40. Lets hope for a repeat!
   Go Riders!!


Friday 15 November 2013

This Is What The Hype Is All About

   Today's the day gamers have been waiting for. The official launch of the Sony Playstation 4. Now, I'll admit I enjoy video games, but don't expect me to be in the line-up today, or any other day, to buy one of these. At least, not right now.
   While it's true I enjoy video games, most of what I play is on line, mainly a Massively Multi-player On-Line Role Playing game. World of Warcraft, to be exact.
   That's not to say we don't have a Playstation. I've been buying them ever since the first generation console came out in 1994, and I've got the 3rd generation one right now. And while I still do play the odd game now and then, we use it mainly as a port for Netflix. My wife does still enjoy some of the first generation games, like Tomb Raider, which she still plays on the PS-3 console.
   And that's part of the problem with the new PS-4. It will not be backward compatible, meaning old games like Tomb Raider can't be played on them. On the plus side, the new device offers better connectivity, and allows gamers the option to download new games, rather than buy them.
   But the console wars aren't over. Microsoft will launch their new system, the X-Box One, next week:

   The battle for your Christmas dollars is on, and the video gaming industry now generates several billion dollars a year in sales.


Another Movember Update

   And the beard is starting to come in nicely now, rather to my surprise. I'm not the type who normally can sprout facial hair at a phenomenal rate, so the picture above is kinda surprising. But then, as I've stated, it's been a while since I shaved everything off.
   Here's last week for comparison:
   And this is the "look" I had on November 1st to kick off the campaign:
   In a bit of a strange twist, since I shaved back on October 31st, I've been plagued by a very nasty cold. I'm beginning to wonder if there's some kind of connection.
   Another update next week, and hopefully by the end of the month, I'll have the full beard going again.


Thursday 14 November 2013

It's No Wonder I'm Getting Fatter

   And it's because our mid-day announcer Tonya Cherry

   Keeps bringing in delicious food. Like this peanut butter fudge:
   And these strawberry shortcake tarts:
   It's no wonder I'm packing on the pounds! To be fair, these all go in to her GX94 Christmas Goodies Cookbook, with proceeds going to several community based organizations and charities around the GX94 listening area.
   Last year, sales from the cookbook raised 75 hundred dollars!
   Unfortunately, the 2013 cookbooks are all sold out, and I missed the opportunity to get one for myself.
   Oh, well. There's always next year.
   Keep up the good work Tonya!


Do You Remember These?

   The Sears Christmas Wish Book used to come out about this time of year, maybe a little earlier. And every year my sister and I would love pouring through the toy section, dreaming about what we'd like Santa to leave under the tree.
   For my sister, it was dolls, doll houses and clothes, among other things. But she also wanted things like an Eazy-Bake oven, something she never got.
   For me it was toy trains, slot cars, even a toy cannon that fired cannon balls. But looking back on my childhood, there was one toy that stood out in my mind for some reason. That was a helicopter attached to a crank which, when turned, actually flew the 'chopper.
   Growing up in Calgary, we really didn't need the catalogue. Most of the stuff we desired was already in stores like Sears and the Bay downtown. If I remember right, the toy department was on the 6th floor. But even still, it was wonderful when Mom unwrapped the Wishbook and handed it to us. I know for myself, it was one of the highlights of the year.
   Why the trip down memory lane? Nostalgia, I guess, maybe tinged with the fact I'm getting old(er). Sears Canada still publishes the Wishbook, which is now almost a relic. Most of what kids want they can get via the internet. In a way, that's a shame, because most kids will never get that "rush" opening the catalogue and thumbing through the pages, wishing and dreaming.
   But, so it goes.


Wednesday 13 November 2013

Who Tops The Table?

   In Ontario, the Soccer Association plans to phase out team standings for competitive under 12 players are on track, and will become mandatory province wide next year. The OSA is aligning itself with the Canadian Soccer Association to change long term player development. It's part of the strategy of the movement Canadian Sport for Life.
   Scoring in games will be counted, but the results won't be fed into a chart tracking standings of each team in a league table. That's going to make holding a championship game a little difficult. And why is this being done? Is it to prevent the kids self esteem and feelings from being hurt if their team posts a non-winning season? You'd think it would have the opposite effect.
   I know in some sports in some venues scores aren't being kept, so as not to label kids "losers". That's fine, as far as it goes, which I think is way to far. It's fine to protect children's feelings. We all want to do that. But this is shielding them from reality, esecially in a competitve sport like soccer, and may do more damage than intended.
   The ugly truth about life is we all have "wins" and "losses". It helps shape our characters and can make us stronger if we learn to cope with lifes little losses, not sweep them under the rug.
   But that's just my 2 cents.


No Dome For Their New Home

   The replacement for the ageing Mosaic Stadium will be open-topped. Regina mayor Michael Fougere has come out saying there will be no dome for the new multi-purpose facility due to the cost. He says adding a roof of any sort will add between 50 and 100 million dollars to the pricetag, and that's simply far too high a burden for residents.
   And while keeping the cost down is certainly laudable, I can see several potential issues. Not the least of which was provincial funding for the new home for the 'Riders was, so I had been lead to believe, contingent on the design being able to have a roof put on in the future. True, I have not seen the official plan, which in all likelihood will have that contingency addressed.
   But there are also several other issues, not the least of which is fan comfort. I know purists will say a dome isn't needed, and that the elements, especially in late November, are an integral part of the game.
   While admittedly 50 to 100 million to add a dome is an awful lot of money, there's a very good chance that will increase each year it's not added, just like the cost for Moose Jaw's new arena did.
   And at the risk of sounding critical, I think a dome would pay for itself in short order, giving the new venue the capacity to host events year round. Things like Rolling Stone or AC/DC concerts. Things like a massive indoor RV show and sale and other events like that.
   In my humble opinion, that would be preferable to having the new stadium used as nothing but a snow dump for 5 months of the year, like Mosaic is now.


Tuesday 12 November 2013

Happy "Thanksgivukkah"

   This truly is a once in a lifetime experience. American Thanksgiving is coming up on the 28th. It also happens to be the first night of the Jewish Festival of Lights, Hanukkah.
   To help celebrate, one bakery in New York has come up with a fusion food for "Thanksgivukkah". A donut. Actually, 3 donuts to be exact, and are available at Zuckers Bakery.
   But not just any plain old glazed or maple dip:
   That one is a spiced pumpkin donut, filled with turkey, turkey gravy and cranberry sauce, which is then deep-fried.
   The other 2 are spiced pumpkin with cranberry sauce and a sweet potato donut with marshmallow creme.
   So, if you're in New York in the next couple of weeks, check it out. and you'd better make it fast too. The next Thanksgiving-Hanukkah double celebration won't be around for nearly 77,800 years!


Ye Of Little Faith

   I must admit, even I had my doubts Sunday, especially going in to half-time. But the Riders prevailed, and knocked off the B.C Lions 29-25 in the Western semi-final. It was a cold day in Regina, with the windchill making things even colder. But the Rider spirit was there, and the Green and White won the day.
   Talking with morning man Danny Ismond today, I made mention of the "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" out there, some of whom decried the performance of the team. I find it amusing how everyone's opinion on the team and their fortunes is right, even when it's wrong. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan, and I also sometimes question the decisions made by players and coaches. But I don't give voice to them. The players and coaches get paid to do exactly what they do: Play the game, win or lose. I've never coached or played football, even at the lowest level possible, so for me to jump in and say this coach was wrong, or that player should've run that option serves absolutely no purpose.
   As I said to Danny, my job is not to play or coach for the Riders. My job is to bring you the morning news, and have a laugh with Danny every now and then. And that's what I do. My opinions about the team and players remain mine alone, and not vocalized.
   The bottom line is we won the game. Pure and simple. It may not have been the best game they've ever played, but so be it. And even if the score would have been 1-0 Riders in O.T: So what. They won.
   And now, they've got 2 more games to win. In Calgary against those pesky Stampeders, then the Big One: The 101st Grey Cup, which the Riders will host, and hopefully play in. And win.


Friday 8 November 2013

Pause To Remember

   I hope you will stop for 2 minutes at 11:00 a.m Monday, November 11th and pause to remember Canada's war dead. Monday marks the end of what was called the "War to end all wars" 95 years ago. A war that raged for 4 years, and took the lives of 15 million 435 thousand military personnel on both sides. To put that in perspective, it means there was one military casualty somewhere every 15 seconds. 4 per minute, 240 an hour, 5 thousand 760 a day, every day for more than 4 years. As well, 948 thousand 248 civilians also perished in World War 1, for a total of 21 million 228 thousand 813 deaths.
   Nearly 400 thousand Canadians enlisted for that war, and 67 thousand were killed, including 39 year old Lance Corporal HG Bellinger, with the PPCLI. He was our country's first military death on January 8, 1915 near Ypres.
   In World War II, more than 44 thousand more Canadians laid down their lives for us. Another 500 died in Korea, and lets not forget the 158 service personnel who died in Afghanistan.
   But it's not just the dead we should pause and remember. It's the veterans as well. Men like my father. Dad was in the Queens Own 2nd, and enlisted in Claresholm, Alberta in late 1943. When he was just 18. He went overseas in 1944, and landed in France several weeks after the D-Day invasion.
   He was also one of the thousands and thousands of boys who was wounded in action, hit in the face as he walked own a road in France. Dad had 9 corrective surgeries on his nose, and was blind for 6 weeks after. He was 19 at the time. He also said he was lucky, because the chap behind him was killed.
   He also, with the exception of one time, never talked about the war and what he went through. But he got the chance to do what so many vets never did: He went back.
   It was after he watched a show on the invasion, and saw the road he was on when he was wounded. So, in 1984, 40 years afterward, he and Mom went to England and France. Not only did they visit the training ground Dad was at at Aldershot, but he made a point of going to France, finding that road and marched, not walked, down it to what his objective would have been that August 1n 1944.
   And thats just one of thousands of stories told and untold by veterans. And that's why we should all pause and remember on November 11th.
   I know I will. And I'll be wearing a red poppy.


A Movember Update

   Last Thursday evening, I decided to get rid of the facial hair to support the prostate cancer awareness campaign in November. The "Movember" campaign sees us guys shave off moustaches and beards at the start of the month, grow back that facial hair during "Movember" and traditionally shave it off again at the end of the month.
   This was taken November 1st:
   In the intervening week, I've been re-growing the "winter sweater", and I'm actually pleasantly surprised with the result:

   Normally, the beard and 'tash don't come in this well, although I must admit it's been a very long time since I went "bare wood". It is a little hard to see much difference, but it's there.
   I wasn't going to do a weekly update, but morning man Danny Ismond is chronicling this for the stations Facebook page anyway, so I thought "What the Heck". Another update next Friday.
   And in case you were wondering, this is me in "full flower"