Thursday 24 October 2013

Fighting Back

   Two of the Senators caught up in allegations of making inappropriate expense claims are fighting back. Senator Pamela Wallin (above) made an impassioned speech in the Red Chamber as Senators debate whether or not to suspend her, Mike Duffy and Patrick Brazeau without pay. Brazeau will not, apparently, address his colleagues as he has a medical problem.
   But both Senators Duffy and Wallin came out swinging in their own defence this week. Wallin, who some pundits have dubbed "The Queen of Wadena", accuses fellow Senators Carolyn Stewart Olsen and Marjory LeBreton of leaking information about her to the media. She also said she will not resign, and that her spirit is unbroken. She added her reputation is in tatters by vendetta's involving confidantes of the Prime Minister. Several of her Conservative colleagues broke into applause when she'd finished, with one saying due process must be done.
   Senator Mike Duffy pleaded his case Tuesday, with allegations that the Prime Minister's Office cleared his expenses, something Prime Minister Stephen Harper denies. The P.M also counter-charged that Duffy was playing the "victim card", because he was ordered to pay back the alleged inappropriate expenses. A Liberal motion would see the matter put over to a committee for further study.
   How long that could take is anyone's guess.


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