Tuesday 8 October 2013

Cures For The Common Cold

   The running nose, the congestion, the sneezing and coughing, the fever. It's getting to that time of year when cold and flu season are ready to strike. And my morning show host Danny is just getting over a bout of hay fever. And because of that, he was looking for something to help with the scratchy throat and stuffiness. Talking with him this morning, there were a few olde fashioned remedies that came to mind.
   Hot honey lemon. It's been a standard for years, and may actually have a benefit. Honey coats the throat, and may provide temporary relief. Then, there are some that are doubtful, to day the least. One my wife suggested did actually seem to help me a few years back. We had some goose grease left from a bird one Thanksgiving, and she warmed some up, slathered it on my chest and wrapped me up.
   Then there's the mustard plaster. I don't know if they work, but apparently they burn like the dickens. My mom used to slather Vicks Vapo-Rub on my chest and put some under my nose when I was a kid. She also used it in a vapouriser for congestion.
   One person suggested Danny try whiskey. While it might not do any good, after a few shots you won't really care.
   Of course, the best advice is stay in bed, drink plenty of fluids and don't go to the office where you can spread it.

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