Friday 4 October 2013

Insomniacs Take Note

   As we all know, there are a lot of speciality TV channels out there, and a lot of "reality" TV shows as well. But in Norway, it's being taken to the extreme. The country's public broadcaster is dedicating 5 hours of air time to a different kind of programming.
   NRK will be showing a 5 hour special of an attempt to break the knitting world record. You read that right: Knitting. And if that's not enough, there will be a 4 hour "pre-game" show of sorts dedicated to how wool from a sheep's back turns into a sweater.
   This isn't the first time NRK has broadcast what we would call mundane events. They've had live coverage of salmon fishing, a 5 day  documentary about a cruise ship, the Nord Norge, and even a fire burning itself out.
   If you were wondering, the current record for non stop knitting belongs to Australia

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