Wednesday 30 October 2013

Have You Heard Of "Bitcoins" Yet?

   By now, you probably have heard of them. If not, they're the new-ish form of currency, and are traded on-line. Now, the virtual is joining the real world. Sort of. A Vancouver coffee house is the first business in Canada, and the world for that matter, to have a bitcoin ATM installed.
   Bitcoins are virtual currency not controlled by a central bank, like the Bank of Canada. The currency can be transferred through a peer-to-peer network, but users must first set up a digital wallet by scanning their palm on the machine.
   The machine was put into the coffee shop because the owner says bitcoin transactions are more convenient than other forms of payment because transactions are instant and there are no processing fees.
   Not being very well versed in the on-line universe, and not being in I.T, I couldn't tell you exactly how it works, but there are safeguards in place to prevent things like "double-spending".
   The shop is one of 16 in Vancouver that accepts the e-money, but it's the first with an ATM.
   And in case you were wondering what the exchange rate for bitcoins is: $211.73 Canadian. Per coin!
   I'll stay with good, old fashioned real world cash.


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