Wednesday 23 October 2013

Facebook May Have To Change This

   The worlds largest social network may indeed have to do a re-think after lifting a ban on gruesome videos of beheadings on their site. Needless to say, reaction has been swift and negative, and Facebook has already come out saying that violent videos were only allowed if they were presented as news or held up as atrocities to be condemned. A Facebook statement goes on to say that since some people object to graphic video of this nature, they are working to give people additional control over the content they see. This may include warning them in advance that the image they are about to see contains graphic content.
   Normally, I keep my thoughts and comments on items to myself, and just give the facts. Well, in this case, I'm going to break my own, self imposed rule.
   I see no circumstance where a violent, gruesome, disgusting and despicable act like taking a video of a beheading and posting it on any on-line site constitutes news. As for such an action being an atrocity to be condemned, I feel any beheading should be condemned, as they are all atrocities.
   I also think it won't be too long before Facebook revisits their decision to lift the ban, and re-impose it. At least I hope not.


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