Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Fight Against Bullying Continues

   And a small Saskatchewan town is front and centre in the fight. Council in Grenfell have passed and adopted an anti-bullying law, and there are quite a few items on the list. Taunting, name calling, the threat of violence and repeated harassment of others top that list. And police are being given more options for dealing with bullies. That could be a simple "don't do that again" reprimand to possible criminal charges.
   Manitoba's education minister has also taken the wraps off a new program giving schools and parents some new tools as well.
   Nancy Allan says that includes a resource guide to help schools respond to incidents where teens have been affected by a sexual picture or video being shared by peers.
   All this comes as we hear more and more cases of young people who commited suicide because they've been bullied, either in person or on line. Todd Loik of North Battleford took his own life last week, joining an ever growing list.
   Will these new measures stop or even slow down bullying? Time will tell, but I for one hope they do.


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