Friday 11 October 2013

A Massive Injury For The Toronto Raptors

   Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of basketball, and normally I wouldn't blog about it. Everyone who's ever played a sport knows injury is not only likely, but almost a certainty. The Raptors are no different, but this injury hasn't hit a player. No. This time, it's the team's high flying mascot.
   The Raptor will be sidelined for the entire season, due to a torn Achilles suffered while the Raptors were in Halifax for training camp. Every fan knows mascots are a huge part of any pro sports team. Look at the Riders with Gainer the Gopher. Can you imagine him out for the year? But what sets this one apart is the athletics the guy in the suit gets up to. Look at the picture above for a hint.
   What I can't work out is why there's no back-up. A bench warmer for The Raptor. You'd think the team would have a standby ready to go in case something like this happens.
   Regardless, good luck to the Raptor and the Raptors this season.


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