Monday 28 October 2013


   I got creative this past weekend, and did up a huge batch of Jambalaya. Not just for my family in Regina, but for me. I'm tired of having pre-cooked, microwavable dinners. And since cooking for one is a waste of time, I decided "what the heck", and went ahead and did it.
   I also brought some to the station, and let morning man Danny Ismond, and mid-day host Tonya Cherry have a taste. The say they loved it.
   Once I remember to copy the recipe, I might share it on this blog. Suffice it to say, it's not a dish you can make on the spur of the moment. There's a lot of prep work needed (in my case, 45 minutes), and it takes a long time to cook, since there are several steps to be followed.
   But the result is yummy, to say the least. I discovered this when we lived in Thunder Bay, Ontario. I was very interested in Cajun cooking, and my wife found a recipe book by Paul Prud'homme, a master chef in New Orleans. I've tweaked the recipe a bit, and it's been a staple of the family since.
   Basically, it's chicken, ham, rice, onion, green pepper, celery, spices, tomato sauce and chicken stock rolled into one.
   As I say, since it takes along time to make a batch, I don't do it oftern.


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