Tuesday 15 October 2013

What Do You Do With The Leftovers?

   Thanksgiving has come and gone. A lot of people ate far to much over the weekend (myself included), and even still, as is usually the case, there's a lot of leftover turkey.
   Not at my place, due to the indisposition an enzyme in turkey leaves me with. But before I was stricken (and I love turkey by the way), Thanksgiving, Christmas and even Easter were the 3 times of the year Mom would cook a big bird.
   And aside from the usual sandwiches, she had a whole raft of ideas to stretch the remains of the bird out. The night after the "big meal" was usually turkey, pan fried left over mashed potatoes and gravy. The next night might be turkey a la king or casserole.
   And when there was very little left of the carcass, mom would make turkey soup.
   By the time the bird was finished, no one really wanted to look at a turkey again. Until the next holiday at least.
   I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!


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