Tuesday 1 October 2013

We Exsist. Really We Do!

   That's the plea folks in Davin, Saskatchewan have made, and the federal government has heard them. The tiny hamlet about 30 minutes outside Regina was declared a ghost town after the 2011 census. News that came as quite a shock to the 49 or so people who still live there.
   That, by the way, is the same number who were living there in the 2006 census. But the Stats Canada figures also showed the town's population fell to zero in the intervening 5 years, meaning Davin was struck off the federal list of communities.
   It seems the census takers simply missed the tiny village. The federal government says they will clear things up. However, the area M.P, Ralph Goodale (L. Regina-Wascana) called the mistake "insulting".
   But it makes you wonder if there are other small hamlets, villages and unincorporated towns with a few residents that were also missed by the census. My guess is there may be a few.


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