Monday 28 October 2013

Get Ready For The Change


   It may be Monday, but it's a good time to start thinking about time. This coming Sunday morning at 2:00 a.m, Daylight Saving Time ends, and people turn their clocks BACK an hour. That means Manitoba will be on the same time as us, and your favourite T.V show will be on an hour earlier.
   We in Saskatchewan don't touch our clocks, even though there have been quite a few attempts to get DST started here, but to no avail. There have been arguments both for and against, with the "nay" sayers suggesting it'll (among other things) foul up milking time for cows. Those who favour the change say it'll give us an extra hour of daylight in the summer, meaning not having to worry about late baseball games etc.
   The argument in Saskatchewan is, if we were to adopt DST, which zone would we go into. In this part of the province, naturally, people favour going with Manitoba. In the western sections, people would like to go with Alberta.
   And that's the heart of the problem. The natural dividing line is the 105th meridian, which bisects Saskatchewan west of Regina.
   A few years back, I asked Premier Brad Wall if the government had any plans to change things. He said at that time "no", meaning our province is one of a very few jurisdictions not to go on Daylight Saving. Bits of Northeastern B.C, Arizona also don't make the twice yearly adjustment. And it's not likely the situation here is going to change either. At least not yet.
   So, while folks in Manitoba and Alberta get an extra hour of sleep this weekend, at least we in Saskatchewan don't lose an hour of sleep when the time comes to change the clocks in spring.


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