Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

   It is Halloween, and all staff were asked to dress in costume today. Unfortunately, all my stuff is still in Regina, or I would've put more effort into it. For example, I have a leather top hat, and used to have the controller for the PS 2 game "Guitar Hero". I was going to find a curly haired wig and come as "fat Slash".
   I also have some military style shorts, and a safari shirt, pith helmet, goggles and a steam punk "ray gun" we bought a few years ago at the Cathedral Arts Festival in Regina. I was going to dress up as the "Zombie Zapper".
   But with the resources not at hand, I had to compromise. So, I bought a very cheap shirt, tie, 'zombie bite' and the rest and came as a "Hippie-Zombie News Reader". You can't see them, but I'm wearing Jack 'O Lantern specs in that picture.
   That's how NOT to do Halloween, even on a tight time line and budget.
   My niece went the full 9 yards, transforming herself into this:
   And yes, she is terrified of clowns.
   Have a happy and safe Halloween.


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