Monday 3 February 2014

2 Of 4 Rodents Say 6 More Weeks Of Winter

   It was Groundhog Day yesterday, and 2 of 4 prognosticating rodents did, in fact, see their shadows, traditionally meaning another 6 weeks of Winter.
   The Grand-daddy of them all, Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil, along with Ontario's Wiarton Willie both saw their shadows. However, Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam did not. Nor did Alberta's Balzac Billy.
   But since this is only the first week of February, and the Spring equinox is some 6 weeks away, does it really matter? The weather will do what the weather will do regardless of groundhogs. But I must admit, I would certainly welcome an early spring. Especially after being under Polar Vortexes for several months.
   And I still like my idea for Gainer the Gopher, the Saskatchewan Roughrider mascot:
   Have him come out February 2nd, and if he doesn't see his shadow, the Riders will have a winning season. If the sun is shining, have him come out on the shaded side of Mosaic Stadium. That way he still won't see his shadow, meaning a winning season.
   And as far as predicting an early spring goes, this year Gainer would have been the tie-breaker!


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