Wednesday 26 February 2014

Stop Bullying

   Today is Anti-Bullying Day, and people are encouraged to wear pink to help stop the problem. I wish I had remembered or known. I would've worn pink today, since I was bullied in school.
   Bullying has been around probably as long as the human race, but it's just in the past few years the issue has really come to the forefront of society. And we can thank the advent of social media for it.
   Too often, we hear stories of young people taking their own lives as a result of harassment both on-line and in person. Rehtaeh Parsons is just one example of why bullying must end. The problem is, it's easier said than done. Simply reporting a bully to officials sometimes leads to increased bullying by the same individual.
   Societal changes are needed to not only punish, but to educate bullies. Parents need to play a huge role as well, by (as far as they can) keeping track of their kids social media habits and reporting incidents and offering help to victims.
   We also need to help those who victimize others as well, since in some cases they themselves have been victims of bullying in the past. But again, there are no quick or easy solutions to the problem. I just hope something is done soon, so I don't have to read another report of a teen committing suicide because they were bullied.


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