Friday 14 February 2014

Something Thankfully Not Done

   Since I've been in Yorkton, it seems I'm the guy who takes holidays to heart, and gets into the spirit of it all.
   For example, this was Halloween, when I costumed up as the Zombie News Reader:
   Then, there was the time I donned an ugly winter hat. Mostly because I wanted to keep my ears warm, more than anything else:
   And let's not forget Robbie Burns Day, when I donned a kilt and cap, grabbed my sword and got a set of toy bagpipes to help celebrate:

   So, given my apparent penchant for celebrating holidays, I'm sure a few people around work were expecting me to come in this Valentine's Day looking like Cupid:
   Those people will be disappointed. That said, a lot more people will be very thankful I didn't show up in a diaper, with stubby 'wings' on my back and a kiddies bow shooting suction cup tipped arrows.
   There are several reasons I chose not to. Not the least of which is there are laws on the books regarding cruel and unusual punishment, along with torture. Which is what the sight of me trying to look like Cupid would be to anyone with the misfortune of seeing it.
   Another reason is the fact the roof beams in our building would not be able to stand the added load if I managed to rig something to make me 'fly' without a catastrophic failure.
   But take heart! St. Paddy's Day is coming up in March. I wonder how I'd look with a green beard?


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