Wednesday 19 February 2014

Lost Communications

   The computer. What would we do without it these days? There's so much you can do simply sitting in front of that keyboard and screen. You can e-mail, check your Facebook status, shop, pay bills, do your banking, watch videos and even blog! And mobile hand-held devices have now freed us from being chained to the almighty P.C.
   But it's not all good. There is a downside to technology. People either forget or don't know how to do things we were taught in school all those oh-so many years ago. Simple things. Like writing. Some studies suggest writing will be a thing of the past in the not far off future.
   How many young people today know what this is:
   Let alone be able to fill one out? Yet myself, my parents, and even my kids know what they are, what they're for and how to fill one out.
   My morning man and buddy Danny Ismond said he was at an event not long ago, where a youth was asked to address an envelope for a mail out. And had no idea how to do it.
   If you really want to play with a youngsters mind, sit him/her own in front of one of these and tell them to make a call:
   Chances are, you'd be asked "how do you turn it on?", if not "where's the text function".
   Yes, technology is great. No, I don't want to go back to the "good old days". But I still think (with the exception of the rotary phone) that there's a place for cheques, envelopes and writing.


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