Monday 24 February 2014

Well Done, Canada!

   The 2014 Winter Games wrapped up in Sochi, Russia yesterday, and Canada did do very well. We ended up with 25 medals on the games, one shy of the 26 we got in Vancouver 4 years ago. And wrapping everything up nicely, the men's hockey team took the gold with a 3-0 win over Sweden!
   A big shout out to all our athletes, as well as those from all the countries taking part. While they may not have won a medal,they at least competed for their homeland, which is itself an achievement.
   So, it's on to South Korea for the 2018 games.
   Oh, yeah. One other thing. Friday, I blogged about "the End of the World" as foretold in Norse folklore. Not surprisingly, nothing happened. Just like December 22, 2012. The day after the Mayan calendar predicted the end of times.
   I just can't wait for the next 'prediction'. Hopefully, it'll be just as accurate.


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