Friday 7 February 2014

Back To Basics

   Going over the last few posts I've put on this blog, I've noticed something disturbing. I've been straying too far afield with a lot of the items, and have not been focusing on what I should be. And that's my own backyard.
   Don't get me wrong, I will still venture further afield now and then, but it's time to get back to my 'core', if I can call it that.
   So today, lets look at some of the doings here closer to home. And we'll start with a worthy fundraising venture happening tomorrow. Snowarama sees snowmobilers ride and raise funds for Camp Easter Seal, set up so kids with disabilities can enjoy what a lot of others take for granted. It's the only wheelchair accessible camp in the province, and tomorrow's ride is hoped to generate 150 thousand dollars in the region. I hope they surpass that goal.
   Another newsworthy item, not just locally, is grain transportation. There was a bumper crop last year, but farmers are having a tough time getting it to market, blaming a backlog in the entire transportation system, but specifically rail companies.
   APAS will be holding a couple of symposiums to get input on what's wrong, and possible ways to fix the problem with 2 meetings this month.
   The information will then be passed to politicians.


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