Monday 10 February 2014

Mark McMorris Medals

   Snowboarding sensation (and Saskatchewan's own) Mark McMorris did wind up 3rd in the first ever slopestyle event at the Winter Games this past weekend. Congratulations Mark!
   Of course there will be a very few people out there (myself NOT included) who would take the "what if" line, trying to diminish in some way what seems to me to be a stellar achievement by a young man.
   That "what if" comes after McMorris suffered a broken rib in the X-Games just ahead of the Winter Games, which a very few might say hampered his ability to perform in Russia, possibly costing him a higher place on the podium.
   I take a very different view. The fact that he got 3rd in his sport with a broken rib speaks volumes about the young man's determination. About breaking through what I'm sure was a lot more than a "minor discomfort" of a broken rib. Heck. I'll just come out and say the young man's got guts. That's all. And we should all offer congratulations to him for his effort on the biggest sporting stage in the world.
   He may have placed 3rd on the podium, but to one hell of a lot of people in Saskatchewan, he placed first.


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