Thursday 6 February 2014

How Cool Is This!

   That's a map of the internet (courtesy DeviantART), as drawn by Slovakian artist Jay Simons. And if it looks like one of those old time maps of the world, it's supposed to. The picture I've linked won't show you all the details of the map. Like the Map of the World, the Map of the Internet is broken down into "continents" and "countries" based on what the most popular browser is in a given region.
   It also lists the most visited sites (with Google not surprisingly at the top of that list), websites by language, and timelines of both the history of the 'net, and websites. It also has "oceans", including the North and South Connection oceans, and even a Spam Ocean!
   What I'd love to find out is where can I get one? It's look great framed in my man-cave.


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