Tuesday 11 February 2014

Valentine Day Dont's

   Valentine's Day is Friday, and a lot of people will be rushing around trying to find the perfect gift for their loved one. Traditionally, chocolates, flowers and jewelry are the gifts of choice for a guy to give his girl.
   If you're not the "traditional" type, and are looking for something else for your significant other, stay away from the following:
1)..Vacuum cleaners. It should be obvious why not. The message you're sending is that the place is messy, and your partner needs to clean it up.
2)..Stuffed animals. Nothing says "cheap" like a stuffed animal. It could also say you were one of the last minuters, rushing around looking for something, anything, to give.
3)..Gym membership. Your partner might not appreciate the reminder of the extra few pounds they're carrying.
4)..Kitchen appliances. Again, it could mean little or no thought.
5)..A pet. Great, as long as the relationship lasts. But a reminder if the relationship fails. Also not recommended because some people's living arrangement may not include pets.
6)..Television. You might think that 72 inch 3-D LED HDTV is a good idea. Your partner may not.
7)..Gift certificates. Unless it''s for something you can't get locally, see #2 and 4.
8)..A picture of both of you on an item. As with pets, it could be an unkind reminder of a relationship that's failed or on the skids. It could also be used as a missile in the case of the latter.
   Still, anything's better than showing up with nothing!


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