Thursday 27 February 2014

Selfies Now Pose A Health Risk

   And it's especially true among girls. It seems putting your heads together for those self portraits with your BFF could also spread head lice!
   In the States, medico's have noticed an increase in the number of young girls showing up to get treatment for the little pests, which feed on human blood. And 98% of cases are the result of direct contact between peoples heads. Aside from some scratching (which is bad enough in itself) head lice are apparently mostly harmless, posing cosmetic, rather than medical, problems.
   So, after much head-scratching, Danny Ismond, Benny Walchuk and myself put OUR heads together for a 3-way selfie.
   I'm wearing my ugly winter hat, because I practice "safe selfies". LOL! (Which in some cases means Lots Of Lice!)


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