Thursday 13 February 2014

Something Dumb

   We've all done something dumb. Lock the keys in the car, leave purchases behind or forget to pick something up at the store.
   The "Bonehead of the Day Award" for today goes to yours truly. We had a pretty good winter storm last night, that dropped a good 4 or more inches (10 cm) of snow on the ground. Leaving home for work this morning, and not wanting to get hung up on one of several drifts in my parking lot, I backed the car up a little to far, and didn't cut the wheel over quick enough. With the result that I got stuck, not 10 feet out of my stall. Could I get the car out? No, even though I tried. And there was an hour wait for a tow truck to arrive. An hour I didn't have. So, I took a cab. And when I got to the office, I don't think I could've got in to the parking lot here. A rather large tracked bob-cat was clearing things up.
   The upshot is, the car's still stuck in my lot, hopefully not blocking the ONLY EXIT TO THE STREET too badly. I'm going to see if a couple of the guys I work with might be able to help me push it out. If not, I'll call for a tow truck.
   Winter sucks :(


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