Friday 31 January 2014

January's Finally Over

   Maybe I'm just getting older, but it seems January lasted forever. I know it's got 31 days, like March, May, July, August, October and December, but time sure seems to crawl in January.
   It didn't help this year when wave after wave of Polar Vortexes blanketed most of the North American continent, plunging temperatures and windchills way down. It also doesn't help when January is the "darkest" month of the year. Even though the solstice is December 21st, we don't get to see much of Mr. Sun during the month.
   At least we made it through, and can now look forward to February, the shortest month of the year. And let's also hope the groundhog doesn't see his shadow, meaning an early end to winter (even though his prognostication really doesn't mean a whole lot).


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