Wednesday 31 December 2014

Where Has The Time Gone?

   Hard as it is to believe, another year is in the books. And what a year 2014 was! I won't bother listing the top news stories of the year on this platform, there were simply too many locally, nationally and internationally.
   For me, 2014 was a year of settling in to my new surroundings, job and home. Once again, I'll not list details, just suffice it to say 2014 was better for me personally and professionally than 2013 was.
   So, what will 2015 bring? If I had an accurate crystal ball (and was a gambler) I might have a prognostication or 2. I don't have a crystal ball, and I'm not a gambler, so I can't begin to tell what the year ahead holds.
   What I can do is say whatever challenges and opportunities the New Year brings, I'm ready for them!
   Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!


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