Tuesday 9 December 2014

Why Can't My Cats Be More Funny?

   That well known feline face is, of course, "Grumpy Cat". The cat has a form of dwarfism, which gives it it's unique appearance. It's also made it's owner very, very wealthy. To the tune of 100 million dollars. It started when a picture of the cat was taken by the owner's brother, and posted on a social media site. From there, it took off, and meme's of Grumpy Cat are now everywhere.
   Then, there's this guy:
   He's named "Maru", and lives in Japan. His you-tube videos have been viewed more than 200 million times, and he's got hundreds of thousands of followers. Not bad for a Scottish Fold kitty!
   We've got 3 cats
   But they haven't yet made us any money, and likely never will. As you can see, all they seem to do is sleep, eat and hawk up fur-balls, although the silver-grey one does enjoy a quick gallop around the house. Usually at 1:30 a.m. But sadly, no fame (or fortune) will likely come from these kitties. And you know what? I'm actually o-kay with that. Although, making a little extra cash from their shenanigans would be nice!


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