Thursday 1 January 2015

Start A New Calendar

   I hope you all had a safe New Years Eve as you rang in 2015. I know I did. As is tradition in our house, we were sound asleep long before the clock struck midnight last night. In fact, I can only recall 2 or 3 times my wife and I actually stayed up to ring in a new year. Usually, because one (and sometimes both) of us has to work New Years Day.
   This year, it's me. January 1, 2015 started almost exactly the same as December 31st, 2014 did. Up about 3:45 a.m, morning ablutions, out the door and in the office by 4:15. For that matter, when I was working in Regina, I would always be in New Years Day. For me, it was easier than owing a staff member an extra day off "down the road". Plus, as mentioned, we don't stay up much after 9:00.
   Whatever 2015 brings, I'd like to think I'm ready for it.
   I'd also like to wish you all the best for the year ahead!


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