Friday 12 December 2014

My Wife Is Really Creative

   At least I think so. It all stemmed from a chat GX94 morning man Danny Ismond and I had after he put a picture of the control room on facebook, showing the Christmas lights strung around the place.

   He asked if anyone decorated their workspace. After asking if papers strewn across a desk was decoration (the answer was "no"), we started talking about Christmas trees. I said this year we weren't having one, due to a lack of space in our house.
   But I did say my wife, who is very creative and can come up with some (what I think) are good ideas almost at the drop of a hat, came up with the idea of stringing lights over some birch sticks and other twigs. I think it looks quite good, actually.
   And at least it's not a "Charlie Brown" tree.
   Hopefully by next year, we'll have the basement developed, and will have room for an actual tree.


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