Monday 15 December 2014

Are You Ready?

   As hard as it is to believe, Christmas is just 10 days away. That means the last "mad dash" to the stores is going full steam ahead as people try and find that perfect something for their perfect someone.
   This year, like so many in years past, we got a great head-start on our shopping, picking up something for one of our (now fully grown) kids way back in September. The rest was a doddle. We got the rest of the shopping done for both our "kids" by early November.
   The only problem I face is what to get my wife? I've asked her on several occasions "what do you want for Christmas", only to get the response "nothing". Which is NOT an option. She's not into "bling", so getting her something shiny is out of the question. I know she's in to "Downton Abbey", and has watched endlessly the shows available on Netflix. But since there's only 3 seasons available, I might get her the dvd of season 4. Other than that, I'm flummoxed.
   As for me, I'm easy to buy for. I want and need nothing this year, even though my kids have been asking what I want. I've given them some suggestions, but if they can't find anything, no big loss for me.
   The main thing is they'll both be coming up for Christmas Day (weather and roads permitting), and that's a big enough gift for my wife and myself.


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