Thursday 11 December 2014

A New Record

   As mentioned in an earlier post, warm Pacific air has gripped our region, and did, in fact, bring new record high temperature readings with it.
   There were 14 new records set in Saskatchewan, including Yorkton. It got up to 4.7 yesterday, just squeaking past the old mark of 4.6 set back in 1987. And the well above normal readings are to continue today, possibly setting more new records.
   Yorkton's forecast high is 5. The old record for December 11th was 4.8, set in 2005. And we're not done yet, either. It's supposed to get up to 4 tomorrow, and 2 Saturday. Then, reality sets in with cloud, flurries and cooler temps Sunday and Monday at -3 and -6 respectively. But even that's still above normal for this time of year.
   I for one welcomed the warmth (although not the mess on highways with pavement frost and icy sections where melted snow froze). I just wish it would stay around a while longer. To March would be nice, then have it get warmer. Yeah. Like that's going to happen.


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