Friday 5 December 2014

People Are Getting Lazier

   So it would seem after a co-worker had this posted on one of the facebook pages we're on. It was relating to a selfie she had with her dog. She wanted to find out if other people took selfies with their pets.
   She got this as one of the responses: "Good pic wit da dog....glad it's Not wit 20 - 50 Cats..Lol". Now, I'm not an English professor, and don't pretend I am. But really? Why not simply use proper English and say "Good picture with the dog....glad it's not with 20 - 50 cats.. Lol"
   It's just as easy to do, and doesn't make you look like someone who needs a remedial course in our language.
   In this case, I don't think it was a simple spelling error (I've seen "wit" used instead of "with" many times on facebook). This is intentional, and, I guess, supposedly a time-saver. It's not. It didn't even take me an extra 2 seconds to write the same sentence with the correct spelling.
    I hate to say it, but computers and social media do seem to be dumbing down people.


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