Tuesday 16 December 2014

A Tragic 2 Days

   In Australia, a 16 hour stand-off at a cafe in Sydney ended with police storming in after hearing gunshots. When it was all over, 2 hostages had been killed, along with the alleged hostage taker, a radical, self-proclaimed Muslim cleric.
   Allegedly, the suspect faced dozens of assault and sexual assault related charges against at least 6 women.
   And in Pakistan, at least 141 are dead, mostly children and teens, after the Taliban attacked a military run school in Peshawar.
   Apparently, the group in question is trying to overthrow the government. There's been no word (at this writing) on what happened to the 7 attackers, who wore explosive vests, although it's extremely likely they died when government forces stormed in and regained control.
   Sad tidings.


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