Tuesday 24 December 2013

Would You Eat This?

   It's called a "Turducken" and it's a boneless chicken stuffed in the gastric cavity of a boneless duck, which is then stuffed into the gastric cavity of a boneless turkey. Regular bread crumb stuffing is also jammed in to fill the void in the cavities, then the whole thing is roasted.
   Other versions of this have 5 different meats used, starting with sausage stuffed into a quail. And don't think the practise of stuffing one animal into another is new. Far from it. It goes back to ancient Roman times, and has a modern counterpart going back 200 years with 17 different birds being used.
   And it has to be cooked at a low temperature of 225 degrees F to prevent burning the turkey, while allowing the rest of it to cook properly. To reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees takes about 9 hours.
   And you better have a large family or a huge dinner guest list for it. A typical turducken serves anywhere from 15 to 25.
   And no, I wouldn't try it.


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