Friday 20 December 2013

The Ordeal Is Finally Over

   Today's the day we get possession of our new home in Yorkton. It's also the end of a 4 month long ordeal. Buying the place here wasn't the issue. Selling our place in Regina was. I'm not going into any detail, except to say the process should not have taken as long as it did. But that's behind us now, and we can start building our new life here, in our new home.
   And while this big hurdle has finally been cleared, there is still a fly in the ointment. While we get possession today, our buyer won't be able to take over our Regina home until February, meaning my wife and 4-legged family members will remain in the Queen City until the end of January.
   But even that's a blessing in disguise, since it gives us lots of time to make repairs to that house (which have already been done), and book a moving company (which has also already been done).
   It also ends a 4 month long ordeal of my living in a basement suite which, at times, and for reasons I will not go into, was very trying as well.
   But the corner has been turned, and a new chapter unfolds. And I can;t wait to get my life back!


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