Wednesday 11 December 2013

The End Of Mail Delivery Is In Sight

   At least is could well be for urban residents in Canada. Canada Post says up to 8 thousand jobs will be eliminated over the next 5 years, mainly through attrition, as they look to make efficiencies, and reduce costs.
   That figure will be well over 15 thousand when retirements and resignations are factored in.
   The bottom line for urban customers is simply this: Home delivery will be phased out in the next 5 years, and city folk will have to go to community mail boxes.. The Post Office says falling mail volumes and rising costs have made it impossible to continue traditional operations. About 1/3rd of homes in the country get delivery to the door.
   I remember a time when we got twice daily delivery during Christmas, along with Saturday service. The postman would also collect letters to mail for you, saving a trip down to the local office.
   And while it will be sad to see home delivery cease, I can understand why. More and more, people are using e-billing as the way to pay their monthly statements. I guess I'm going to have to start myself. In about 5 years. By then, I hope security systems will have improved to prevent hackers.


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