Thursday 19 December 2013

Are You Texting This Christmas?

   If you will be using your mobile to contact loved ones on Christmas Day, and not picking up the 'phone to do so, you're in the majority.
   A recent survey shows that on Christmases past, 59% of Canadians say yes: They texted, rather than called. And it looks like the trend will continue this year as well. And while Canadians are texting greetings more, as a country we're well behind the world trend. In fact, among the 24 countries polled, Canadians were least likely to text theirs.
   This year, I might not have a lot of choice in the matter. It's the first time in more than 30 years I won't be spending Christmas with my wife. It's also the first one ever that at least one of our kids won't be joining us for dinner. And while the boys might get a text, my wife doesn't have a mobile, so it's a phone call to her. It would have been anyway.


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