Friday 20 December 2013

Merry Krampus, Everyone!

   I must admit, I had never heard of Krampus, until today. And I can thank my typically sheltered Canadian upbringing for that. Apparently, a Krampus in folklore, roams Alpine areas of Europe, including Austria, looking for children to punish over the Yule season. Sort of a counterpoint to St. Nicholas, who rewards kids for good behaviour.
   As you can see, a Krampus is usually depicted as a beast-like, demonic creature who roams the streets shaking chains and ringing bells to scare the kids. some versions of the myth have Krampus side by side with St. Nick, others have it a loner. The point of that being while old Nick dispenses gifts, the Krampus hands out coal. Or even swats children with birch branches.
   There's even a night devoted to the Krampus' called Krampusnacht, typically December 5th. That's the day before the Feast of St. Nicholas. Heck, there are even Krampus cards available.
   I'm not sure about a Krampus tree, though.


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