Tuesday 3 December 2013

Lord, How The Money Rolls In

   'Tis the season. No, not Christmas, although Canada's big banks are reporting some nice presents in the form of profits.
   BMO was first of the mark today, reporting a profit of over 1 billion dollars in the 4th quarter, and 4.2 billion on the year. Which, by the way, is a record.
   It'll be interesting to see how the other major banks fared, although I'm positive they'll all come in with at least a billion dollars in profit for the quarter.
   The record raking in of these profits has a lot of Canadians wondering how much is too much of a good thing. Yes, the banks are a business, and business needs profits. But when they're taking in 1 billion in a quarter, folks who make minimum wage and pay a lot in service fees, credit card interest rates and other charges wonder if that's way to much.
   I seem to recall a while back Parliament was going to look at bank profits to see if customers were being gouged or not. Given BMO's latest report, I'm sure a lot of Canadians will simply say "yes", they are gouging us.


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