Monday 9 December 2013

Has It Really Been 33 Years?

   As hard as it is to believe, yes. It has been 33 years Sunday since John Lennon was gunned down in New York City by Mark David Chapman not long after Lennon autographed a copy of his new album for him. It was one of those 9-11 moments, and I recall very well where I was and what I was doing that December 8th in 1980. It was a Tuesday, and I was working at CKPG Radio and TV in Prince George B.C, doing evening news on radio, and anchoring the late night TV package.
   I remember vividly hearing the alarm bell on our B.N printer go off, signifying a major, breaking story. I remember rushing into master control, letting the DJ know what had happened, that Lennon had been shot.
   It wasn't long after confirmation came through that the former Beatle had died. I also ran that into master control, as well as recording a short audio "hit" with the bulletin for use on our TV station.
   Also sticking firmly in my mind was the DJ making a last minute change in the album feature he was running. In a strange ironic twist, he had to dump out of a feature he was doing on the Rolling Stones, a band some say was the Beatles main rival.
   John Lennon would have been 73 this year.


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