Thursday 5 December 2013

To Build Or Not To Build

   That is the question city officials in Melville will now have to decide after a doctor recruitment and retention committee presented a report last night. The current facility is getting old, and some say past it's usable lifespan. Fixing it would cost at least 600 thousand dollars, but building a new one would be in the millions.
   The choice has been made even tougher by the fact that the current clinic has been inspected and major deficiencies were found. Compounding it all is the fact a new clinic would help attract doctors. Right now, there are 3 doctors working out of the clinic. Mayor Walter Streelasky says the need in the city and surrounding communities is 5.
   In fact, there are 17 municipalities that make use of the facility, and would cost-share on a per-capita basis any repairs, with Melville picking up the lions share.
   The provincial government would help defray some of the cost of building new, but Melville and the other communities would still be on the hook for the majority of the cost.
   Tough decision.


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