Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Clean Up Continues Down East

   It may not be the Rideau Canal, but kids were skating after the ice storm hit Ontario, especially Toronto. And as this photo posted on Twitter shows, they were skating down the street. While they may be having fun, more than 150 thousand people in Canada's biggest city sure aren't.
   Power is still off to a large number of customers, and while the local hydro company has been working hard to get service back, some customers will be without power through Christmas Day.
   I've been through an ice storm, but nothing anywhere near what the folks back east have had to put up with. We got a little lucky in May 1986 when ice coated a good part of southern Alberta. We were in High River at the time. If you've ever tried to make boil water for a cup of tea using a fondue, you'll know it takes forever.
   One of our kids was young, and my wife was pregnant with our second, but at least the power was turned on from time to time to keep the house warm, the fridge cool and allow enough time to make a pot of soup for their lunch.
   Here's hoping folks in the eastern part of the country will get service back sooner, rather than later.


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