Tuesday 4 November 2014

Could This Help Crack The Case?

   That little girl is Tamra Keepness, and she was last seen at her Regina home in July 2004. I remember the case very well, since I was working in Regina at the time. There was a massive search for the then 5 year old, but nothing turned up. That search included the city landfill, and even sending remotely operated cameras into sewers in the area where she and her family lived.
   Years later, police acknowledged that Tamra likely is dead, but no trace of her body has ever been found. More than 1700 tips have come in over the years, and police look into them. In fact, there were still a few officers assigned to her case. At least before I left Regina more than a year ago.
   Now, comes yet another possibility. This map was posted on Reddit:
   The map, submitted anonymously, is labelled "Location of Tamra Keepness, Check the Wells". The person did later come forward with a little more information, but also says he/she has no firsthand knowledge about the missing girl.
   Needless to say, this has created quite a frenzy on social media. Some have said it's nothing but a hoax or a sick joke. Others want police to pursue the lead like they would any other. Which is exactly what might happen. As is the case with other tips and leads in this case, police are trying to determine if it's credible. Will they send someone to check it out? From what little knowledge I have about the internal workings of the Regina Police Service, I would say "yes". Having dealt with them for almost 16 years, I don't believe for one instant that any clue would not be looked into. Will they find Tamra's remains? I honestly don't know. I hope some day they do. I also hope they find those responsible for her death and bring them to justice.
   That's the least that can be done for that innocent girl.


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