Monday 17 November 2014

I Feel Terrible!

   I'm lucky. I don't get sick that often. But when I do, it's a doozie! And I've got one going on right now. I started feeling a little "under the weather" yesterday morning. I thought I could fight this off, like I have done many times in the past. I was wrong.
   I'm thinking it's just a cold, since there's been some kind of bug going around the radio station recently. As I mentioned, I can usually fight off illness in a day or 2, but this ones taken hold. Still, I'm in the office today (even though I probably shouldn't be) partly due to the fact we're a little short-staffed. Nothing major, but my sense of duty (if you want to call it that) overcame what should have been common sense and I dragged it in to the office.
   I probably won't be here too long, I'll just wait for more staff to get in and then "pull the pin", head home, take some meds and crash.
   I hate being sick.


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