Thursday 20 November 2014

Still Fighting

   But it's been an uphill battle at times against the vicious bug that laid me low this week. Monday, I had to bail out, Tuesday I managed to put in a full day. Yesterday the voice went bye-bye, which is not good in my industry. Last night, my throat felt so saw I didn't know it I'd make it in today or not. I did, and I'm feeling quite a bit better than I was, but I'm still a long, long way from healthy.
   I've been guzzling orange juice until it's almost come out of my pores. I've popped enough Advil to rattle when I walk. I've spent a lot more hours than usual resting in bed as well. The problem is that I'm the kind of person who (rightly or wrongly) feels I should be in to work. That said, I know I should've taken a couple of days off so as not to chance passing this bug on to co-workers.
   Even so, I've been practicing proper cough etiquette, I've been taking care to wash my hands regularly, and I've also already used a considerable amount of hand sanitizer, even though it probably doesn't work on viruses.
   And as bad as it is having a miserable cold at this time of year, it's better than getting a summer cold.


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